WORKSHOPS - current details available on request
The New Violet Rainbow
A one day workshop designed to bring together the energies of the Platinum Violet Flame and Melchizedek’s Whirling Rainbow, creating a new and most powerful healing Ray.
Consciously opening up to this new Ray brings in a transformational energy which is more in alignment with the rapidly changing and increasingly powerful vibrationary streams we are experiencing. It opens up another doorway – another dimensional portal - to allow stronger energy streams to emerge and to flow into this reality. The healing energy can be used both personally and absently – it has no limit!
As they become more and more grounded into these dimensions, these streams will reach out through us into this world to bring about a seed change in the way that healing is applied, both consciously and unconsciously – to affect not only the energy bodies but also our physical manifestations on a more profound level. It is time for our manifested realities to come more and more into alignment with each other and with Divine Will. This may initially bring an element of chaos, but it will be followed by a new harmony, both within and without.
(*It is recommended that you have some experience of meditation/visualisation practices)

Transforming the Ties that Bind
We all carry ties to our near and distant past, to people who influenced us in some way (often quite adversely) and to those who drained our energies. Much of this was on a subconscious level (although some may have been both conscious and deliberate), but we often continue to carry the ties long after – and maybe even from past life or ancient experiences.
As a lead on from the process of ‘Healing the Energies of Your Past’ comes a new way of resolving these ties once and for all in an easy and non-judgemental way. The time for apportioning ‘blame’ has passed and we need to approach these ties in a new and loving way. There is no need to go into detail of who did what to whom – rather it is a way of resolving those ties using your own focus and intent and allowing healing for yourself and whomever or whatever is or was involved.
Using a simple but powerful technique, the ties that bind us to our past or to others in our life can now be resolved in a safe and loving way. In addition, although not guaranteed, it has been noted that as the process has developed it has, on occasion, lead to an element of soul retrieval.
Client's Comments
“I had two very powerful healings today which concerned past lives and places in that time. I felt very safe and protected in Joan’s hands; she made me feel comfortable and at ease with the journeys I took.” JR, London SW
“I felt realigned, grounded and back in touch with my potential.”
CK, Cranfield, Beds

Healing the secret well of emotion
An experiential workshop to facilitate transformation into freedom!
From a very early age, we learn how to suppress and hide our emotions – fear, anger, impatience, disappointment, frustration, bitterness – most giving rise to or from the feeling we are just not good enough. It becomes so automatic, we are not even aware we are keeping it all contained until perhaps the effects finally become obvious. And, of course, there are the traumas and associated emotions that we carry in our DNA from other lives.
We need now to begin to transform these fears and emotions; we need to give ourselves the respect, honour and indeed love that we so readily give to others, but continue to deny ourselves; to free ourselves to become the radiant beings we truly are.
This workshop will concentrate on that secret place – that well of emotion that we have kept hidden, even from ourselves, for so long.
With the help of the Archangels, the transformation will begin. This is a powerful process and needs your willingness to become fully involved – are you ready for the challenge? If you feel this is for you, please contact me for further details. Although available on a 1-2-1 appointment basis, it is more powerful when conducted in a small group and numbers will always be limited to maintain the very personal nature of the experience.