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Having spent much of her working life in the corporate world, Joan Osborne began her healing career in 1984. Despite learning that she was gifted with potent healing abilities, she became a consummate student of the healing arts and science.


Joan is one of a rare breed of transformational specialists who is constantly seeking to enhance her knowledge and experience with new information and training. Her qualifications are wide and deep and include being a Reiki Master and a practitioner of a number of deeply life-changing healing modalities. 


She is renowned as an intuitive healer and channel for Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and other Beings of high vibration. She knows them collectively as her 'Beloved'. All energies leave a 'memory' in the environment in which it operates. Her guides have been teaching her ways to clear old energies and traumas in such a way that they can be removed from individual clients and also the planet. 


Personal negativity is frequently held within deep layers of fear and emotion. These often manifest in the form of debilitating dis-ease, relationship issues, and unresolved emotional issues. 


Uniquely, Joan has been bestowed by her Beloved with a profound gift using her voice and insight to clear this personal negativity, heal those deeply embedded energies and pave the way for more a more harmonious life.


On occasion, soul retrieval may be possible, but it cannot be guaranteed as Joan is intuitively guided on a case-by-case basis and in accord with the client's own Highest Good.


She is one of the few living experts and Elders who uses extraordinary vocal tonings of a light language to bring about deep trauma release and healthy realignment. In other words, her abilities to facilitate massive transformational change are second to none. 


She holds many of the workshops at her home to ensure a safe and loving environment for her clients comfort and safety. Consequently, these workshops are in high demand. However, she also runs several ongoing larger workshops every year to satisfy the demand for her time. 

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